If you're one of the peeps who've been wondering why I've been missing-in-action from MSN-Land, here's why:

Sepertimana yang telah ku katakan,
Adium komputer aku naik gila. Heh.
Adium komputer aku naik gila. Heh.
Go ahead. Click on that pic to see it in real size. Just bear in mind that that screencap was taken after I'd already closed about half the amount of pop-up windows. -_-'
p/s: This image wasn't captured today. The whole Adium drama happened about a week ago. I've just been procrastinating cos there are soooo many other more interesting stuff for me to blog about rather than misbehaving chat programmes. =)
p/s: This image wasn't captured today. The whole Adium drama happened about a week ago. I've just been procrastinating cos there are soooo many other more interesting stuff for me to blog about rather than misbehaving chat programmes. =)
doubleyew! edge! owh! aeh!
ATTN: yapthomas
– I know! Imagine my facial expression when I saw the stupid windows keep popping up! -_- Summore cannot do anything but wait for them to finish popping. Haiyo.
OWANAGE!!! PWNED!!! hahahaha lol a great way to start the day
...you have a calvin and hobbes comic strip as a wallpaper right?
ATTN: zecount
– Boo. -_-
ATTN: sphyrez
– Whoa. Indeed I do. Not bad huh your memory!
being popular has it's drawbacks ... especially when the person oh so seldom replies
actually, i don't really care about you MIA or not from MSN-land, because, i oso didn't add u in MSN wahahahaha!!!
and.. me sendiri oso MIA from MSN, and from many places, for quite some time d... haih....
ZOMG!!! wth?? *faints*
*pulls myself to see the screen again* O_O *faints*
woahliao... that ultimately proves that YOU'RE SUPER DUPER BUSY GILER... can hold up so much.. *salutes*
are u still using Tiger?
that is how many people messaging you? or that is msn error?
ATTN: Spectre
– Hahaha. Actually, like super panda my eyes cos not enough sleep. HAHA.
ATTN: zecount
– WOAI! I do try to answer okayyy.
ATTN: RealGunners
– Haha. That's true. But MSN is a total distraction at the workplace lah. That's why I hardly ever reply. I don't even turn on the alerts. Only when I'm free I'll check.
ATTN: Jeffro
– Heart attack kan?
– Yeah. Why ah?
ATTN: Linora 'Aronil' Low
– Haha. Error la! You crazy ah so many ppl message me. Haha. I'd be more popular than Britney and busier than Steve Jobs. =p
oh, I'm going to get a macbook soon. Realize ur taskbar is different from what i've seen. Guess that was Tiger la. Its about time to upgrade to Leopard, ini zaman 2009 haha.
yeah.. like major heart attack, HELLO~! You make me go speechless with what you can cope up with.. I need to learn from you!
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