Over and done with.

So many people. So many costumes. So much make-up. And so, so very weird watching people dance in silence. Haha. Had a good laugh over that with Flowers For V-Day Chee Wei. (It's been ages since I last saw the fellow! Can't believe he's back!) Anyhew, silent dancing's not one of my major concerns at this point in time. Not while my brain's floating somewhere between Awake and Dead. -_-
Boys and girls, it's bedtime!
Pictures to follow when I succeed in getting
my photo-editing butt into gear, alrights?
Nights! =)
Gosh...i was hoping you had a better impression than that..though it was what? a good 6 yrs?
haha...really nice catching up :)
It's time to buck up on that "photo-editing" butt into gear like RIGHT NOW!! :P
ATTN: Chee Wei
– Haha. Yeah, I think it's been 6 years. And what's wrong with that memory? At least I thought the flowers were nice, right? =p It means I think you have good taste. Haha.
And yeah, it was good catching up.
ATTN: yapthomas
– Doingggggsssss!!!
haha thanks for that good taste bit...i guess its hard for me to deny haha. but im impressed that you still remember..anyway those were all history now...
Greetings from Bean.... will be waiting for the photo we took together. hurray up lahhhhhh
ATTN: Chee Wei
– Haha. Of course I remember. I have a very good memory when it comes to romantic stuff. =p
ATTN: Charlie
– Haha. Greetings. Ya ya. I'll post sooooOOoOoOOoOon!
ATTN: Nicholas Chay
– Patience, freako with the baby!
faster faster faster. add oil add oil add oil. post up the picture, pictures, picturess
ATTN: Charlie
– Haha. Soooooon!
it is definitely great to finally meet up with the all-time-awesome-butt-kicker.. hahaha..
Cool Cool.. Still wished that you wore the mask that you thought of wearing earlier..
ATTN: Jeffro
– HAHAHA. All-time-awesome-butt-kicker. HAHA. I think that sounds pretty cool! =p
If I had worn the mask, I'd have looked totally normal! So similar to the other dude in the same costume. -_- Tak mau lah! Biasa only. Ingatkan boleh special sikit, mana tau...
awwwhh.. nah.. u put on that mask, u'd out-FIT him.. lol *new word into dictionary, Ding!*
takper la.. biasa pun still cool.. hahaha.. (Boss, kasut shine tak?)
ATTN: Jeffro
– Che wah. Haha. Means you think I'm scarier than he is lah! Hahahaha.
p/s: You missed a spot lah, boi.
Well isnt that the main idea of the party? To be scarier than the others?
(Boss, itu kasut mmg cam tu la, ahaha)
ATTN: Jeffro
– Well, yeah. But I not so semangat with that theme ma. So I dun feel it as much as the rest of you did. Haha.
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