Sunday, November 09, 2008


Was flipping through Tim Tam's hardcover copy of PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives in a desperate attempt to inspire myself, when a recent discussion of ours regarding an equally recent post I wrote – I Do? Or I Did? – came to mind.

He open my eyes to the possibility that perhaps divorce wasn't the problem I should be focusing upon. Marrying the wrong person was.

Caption says, "Back: I married someone I don't love
because I wanted to wear the dress."

"Sometimes I think my fiancé isn't THE ONE."

You know, maybe divorce isn't the problem after all. Maybe the marriage is... IF it was stepped into in a way that doomed it from the beginning lah, of course. Like marrying the wrong person for the wrong reasons. Or marrying the person you're with before you knew for sure that person was The One for you forever and ever. Maybe you did it out of obligation to your partner due to the fact that you've been together for X number of years. Or maybe you did it in an effort to silence the parentals. Or perhaps it was a marriage of convenience due to the lack of physical proximity. Or a marriage out of fear of age catching up on you. Whatever the case...

A wrong motive equals a wrong decision to step into marriage.

Hmmm. Makes sense. I agree with that argument so far, so I guess I'm willing to give it a 'maybe' for now. Thing is, I still believe that divorce shouldn't be the answer. Especially not a first-thought one. Square 5 at least! (I see advertising talk creeping in!) But then again... you never know with these things. Nothing's ever as ideal as we want it to be these days. People have their reasons. Maybe it's abuse. Or infidelity. Partners like that don't deserve to keep the people they're with, right?

Argh! What do I know?!
Am so many confuse-ness right now.


PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives


MissCow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pam Song said...

Hmmm. Am wondering why you deleted that comment. Would have liked to answer that question. =p

RealGunners said...

u talked about getting married, now u talk about divorce...

i'm quite stupid and blur.. so when are u gonna give some concrete facts about what's going on hahaha XD

(oops, perhaps u did, i just didn't stalk enough... did u?)

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