Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Was having a nice chat the other day
and an interesting topic popped up:


Whoa. Don't play play.
That is one very heavy 8-letter word.


Men and women both seek security in life in many ways – in many DIFFERENT ways. What's important to a man is dissimilar to what's important to a woman. As much as men are more open to the evolving gender roles of today, and modern women are ever in a fight to dissolve the gender roles that bind them, our makeups are just not the same. We want different things in life. And as much as our lives are being revamped to blur the lines between the two genders, we still seek security that are poles apart.

Men look for security in their careers and in their ability to provide for their family. (I'm guessing.) While women look for emotional and psychological security above all else. (I know.)

We're quite different aren't we?

But then again, it's worked for us thus far, hasn't it?

But wait.

What about material security?

That's a BIG DEAL to a lot of people, isn't it? In fact, for some people, it's so big a deal that it becomes everything to them. Sigh. Materialism is prevalent in our society. It is. There's no denying it. Women seek out rich guys in hopes of living the good tai-tai life. Men struggling in their career marry rich men's daughters to gain access to their millions. Heck, it's like marrying a gold-mine in a shapely human suit. So in the grand scheme of things, where does material security fit in?

Well, in all honesty, money matters. (Stop it with the Look of Shock. *stab stab* ) I'm just being honest; I'm being realistic. We all need it to survive, don't we? So cut me some slack. I'm not being gold-digger-ish. I just want to be able to pass the days with food on my plate, clothes on my body, shoes on my feet and a roof over my head. The difference between me and THOSE people is that I don't classify money as the most important thing to me. It doesn't top my Security List.

Emotional Security | Psychological Security | Material Security

For me, the least important of the three is material security. Why? Because material security only offers the promise of a more contented physical life – by fulfilling our basic human needs like food and shelter. Emotional and psychological security, however, breathes life to our INSIDES. And come on, we all know that it's the inside that counts.

To have a sense of emotional and psychological security is a feeling that's unrivaled by far. It helps fill our love tanks and lets us know, realize and feel that we matter to the people who tell us that they love us. After all, it's only human to want to feel loved and treasured, adored and pampered, and honored and respected. In fact, we want it so badly that we ache to feel it in our bones.

You see, guys, if you've got material security at the expense of emotional and psychological security, everything becomes pointless because it is inevitable that parts of you eventually die on the inside – parts that are not being fed with the much-needed doses of TLC – parts like your heart and your mind. However, if you've got emotional and psychological security down pat, any (outward-looking) fight is worth it. The effort you put into fighting for material security is paid for in full, emotionally and psychologically, simply because you've got one another to hold on to. You'll always fight the good fight with a full tank of "gas". It's then that you'll discover fighting for that latter form of security TOGETHER fulfilling in its own little way.

However, if you aren't offered emotional and psychological security by your partner, everything becomes a gamble that's hardly worth the risk. Are wealth, riches and earthly possessions really worth the fight for emotional and psychological security? I don't believe so. That's too high an opportunity cost to bear. Lose my soul, my self and my happiness for another dollar or two in the pocket? I don't think so. My answer's a definite "No, thank you."

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you find someone who can give you all the goodies in the world but isn't a goodie himself/herself, then it's not going to be worth the price you're eventually going to pay. But then, I'm only speaking from a girl's point of view. *blink blink* Hmmm. At the same time though, you guys know I don't always think like the general female population. Haha. I should really come to a conclusion before I successfully confuse myself.


The bottom line is this. If you've found a man (or woman) who is able to offer you all three forms of security, damn, you're a lucky one. May everybody be as fortunate as you are or at least have half your good fortune. If you don't, then it's up to you to decide which form of security is of more importance to you personally. All the best!


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