Thursday, February 15, 2007

HH The Right Way

You know, I remember reading about this somewhere. Many many YEARS ago. Waaay before I even came close to romantically holding hands with someone of the opposite sex. Haha. At that point in time, the max was when I held hands in a circle to pray, or when teacher said to hold hands and walk two-by-two or we'd not be allowed to go for break time. Haha. Young and innocent. I was a good kid, I was. I am a good kid.

Anyways, it was an article or perhaps a forwarded email that said that the way you hold hands is a telltale sign of how long your relationship will last. Silly, I know. But interesting, nevertheless. Do check it out. Haha.


METHOD ONE: The Two Intertwined Little Fingers

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Said to be the least "steady" when it comes to romantic relationships. Acceptable only during I-shy-you-also-shy dating periods that are commonly associated to the early months of dating. However, the couple should progress to Method 2 (coming up) as soon as that phase passes. This method should not be practiced in long-term relationships as it signifies a relationship that is easily broken and unable to withstand the test of bad times. It lacks the much needed tenacity to ensure the relationship's survival. Not good. Except for when it comes to the lack of sweaty palms, of course.

METHOD TWO: The Clasped Hands

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Said to be a one-up from Method 1 but still lacks the staying power that's akin to Method 3 (coming up). May cause sweaty palms but has a significantly higher perseverance level as compared to Method 1. Not a bad start to a relationship but couples should progress to Method 3 so as not to remain in the We'reComfortableWithOneAnother Zone. Couples, do not stagnate but strive to enter the We'reCommittedToOneAnother Zone that comes with Method 3.

METHOD THREE: The Clasped Hands With Fingers Intertwined

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Said to be the WeHaveMadeItAsACouple Method. May or may not cause sweaty palms, depending on how tightly intertwined the fingers are. This method is complex. WeHaveJustMadeItAsACouple couples tend to tightly grip hands and plaster them together, while WeHaveAlreadyMadeItAsACouple couples employ a more relaxed hand-holding practice, giving each other's palms some breathing room. This apparently signifies how liam-liam (Hokkien for "sticky") the couple tends to be with one another. Increased liam-liam-ity shows higher levels of insecurity and greater levels of clingy-ness. The opposite is true of lower levels of liam-liam-ity.




DISCLAIMER: The writer so does not remember the exact information provided. As such, she is simply giving this a shot with whatever her very-limited-but-already-very-full memory has stored and has managed to regurgitate. The writer holds no responsibility for any negative effects (i.e. couple-fights regarding intertwining pinkies and clasping hands, etc…) that may arise from publishing this post. All positive effects are deemed the direct results of the writer's endeavor to educate her readers. Thank you for your kind attention.


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