Friday, April 24, 2009

The Cardapult

I shall work on this one day. After all, I've got a stack of name cards I never use (it's been 2 years and my box is still full) so I just might as well. Put them cards to good use. Give them a bit more purpose in life than just sitting in a transparent box. Heh.

Anyhoo, check out the video.

Pretty cool stuff, doncha think? One day lah ya. When I'm free. This is a picture of my 2-year-old box of unused name cards, by the way.

I'm saving the trees.

p/s: If you wanna beat me to this project, go ahead. Here's a manual. *click* Go knock yourself out. And make me one while you're at it.


Unknown said...

Perfect for that Horseplay and Monkey Session in the office! - theStir Newspaper

The most destructive artillery in Cubicle Wars today! - Businesstweek

I'd saved the entire stack of my own business cards just for THIS!!! - pamsong, author of TinkiTalks, also currently out injured with a bloody nose as a result of being hit by the projectiles fired by The Cardapult. See blog to witness the extent of the seriousness of the injury, titled "Spotty Tissue".


Tinkiiii, now go back to work and stop horseplaying!

Melvin said...

seeing the cardapult deploy kinda reminds me of the cigarette box transformers...

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Chris
– I wasn't!!! If I was I'd have MADE it alreadyyyY!!! Roar!

ATTN: Mel0dramatic
– Hahaha. Did you try making them last time?

Melvin said...

haha ciggie boxes to use since I dont smoke. Lagipun without instructions I might just cut off a finger

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