As you can see, I should have brought a wide-angle lens. Haha. The queen-sized bed took up most of the space in the room and just left a narrow 2-foot walkway all around. Not very big, not very luxurious, but clean enough for me not to feel jijik living there lah. Haha. The common bathroom (not inclusive of toilet) was HUGE though! As big as our room! Maybe even bigger! Haha.
Aussie homes are just built weird lah. They're not like our Malaysian homes at all. Back here, our bedrooms are the highlight and the bathrooms are probably just half the size or less. So far, I've noticed that in Australia, most bathrooms are really, really big. Goodness knows what they need all that space for. Can even ballroom dance inside. :-/
We actually brought our own towels along for the trip. But considering how clean those provided towels on the bed looked and smelled, we ended up using those instead. Easier than lugging back damp towels at the end of our stay; towels that are bound to smell by the time we arrive home. :-/
Oh, and as you can see on the top-left corner of the picture above, every bedroom came with its own TV! And... the slim TV even has a DVD slot! AND... they even provide DVDs downstairs in the living under the communal TV for you to watch! Not bad for a rented place, right?? Needless to say, The Husband and I ended up watching My Best Friend's Wedding in bed one night. No points for guessing who got to pick the movie. =p
Anyway, after checking-in came breakfast #2!
(Since breakfast #1 on the plane was crap, right?)
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