Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Is Thin Pretty?

Today, Duh Roads and I decided to ditch Lamé so we could have lunch with The Senior Writer and Tim Tams. (In our defence, she always takes decades to leave her comp so... enough lah. We ciao first.) While having our evening chat later today, Lamé updated us on her whereabouts over lunch. That's when this conversation took place.

Lamé: I went to Amcorp Mall with the boys just now. You know what they eat? McDs!!!

Pam Song: Wah, nice!

Lamé: But I tapau salad from Kenny Rogers.

Pam Song: Wth. Why so sad case wan?

Duh Roads: Ya lah, summore now McDs got double double promo.

Lamé: Eh, you know how many rounds I need to run on the treadmill if I eat that or not!?

Pam Song: No life lah you.

Lamé: No! Ugly people don't deserve a life! I must be pretty!

Duh Roads: Thin doesn't equal pretty.

Pam Song: HAHAHA. Salah concept.


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