Even in light of my recent loss, let me assure you that there's still plenty that I have to be thankful for.
Not when there's the Omnia.
(OMG, I'm such a geek! -_-')
Sure, I'm blogging on my Omnia again via Opera and yes, I'll bet my non-existent new comp that my arm's going to hurt by paragraph 3 but... hey, at least there's some place I can still blog. Any place is better than no place at all. Plus, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this screen-jabbing thingy. =p
Sure, I lost my entire music collection but again, thanks to the Omnia (and my home WiFi), I've got Pocket Tunes serving me good music from any radio station in the world that streams its programme. Wish I could find McDonald's Radio, though. Their musical line-up appeals to me big time. Right now, I'm doing Love Songs on Radio IO.
Sure, it's been a long day but somehow, I've been buzzing all night. Unbelievably hyperactive like I OD-ed on glucose or something. Duh Roads, Botak and some of the other guys at work can attest to that. (I was singing to my comp screen all night. -_-) I think Duh Roads thinks me nuts but really, I blame the salted egg fried sotong we had for dinner. (Oh, how healthy of us.) The happiness only kicked in when we were back at the office. After stuffing our faces, of course.
I'm sure there's more but I'd really like a bath first. (Eek! Chao chao!) May be back later for more, or I just may not. See how first. (Suspen giler! Ha. Ha.) Toodles!
p/s: The Omnia's not cooperating with the hyperlink stuff. Will work it out tomorrow when I'm at a comp with a mouse and a keyboard so don't get your panties up in knots over it.
EDIT at 11:29AM on 29 July 2009: Ok, done. Hyperlinks added. All's good in the world now. Have a good Wednesday, y'all!
ATTN: BenYong
– Yep.
ATTN: yapthomas
– Haha. Not easy, man. But I'm getting the hang of it. =p
Omnia lol..........
ATTN: Spectre
– WAD???
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