Was informed of the perks of investing in Amanah Saham earlier this afternoon and promptly made the necessary arrangements to get. it. done. a.s.a.p. Went to the post office to grab a form or two (actually, cos I'm kiasu, I took three -_-), had money transfered to my Maybank account by late evening, and withdrew the amount I wanted to put into Amanah Saham before the ATMs close at midnight – all in preparation for the 8:30AM on 21 July 2009.
So it was 4:38AM when I finally sat down to look through and fill up my form(s). Problem was, I couldn't even make it past reading the first para in the Pengakuan Pemohon. Cos guess what?
Post. Office. Chick. Screwed. Up.
The woman gave me a Bumi form that says I mengaku I'm an "orang Melayu atau Orang Asli atau Bumiputera Sarawak atau Sabah seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perkara 160 Fasal (2) dan Perkara 161 (a) Fasal (6) dan Fasal (7) Perlembagaan Malaysia."
Heck, England-speaking-orang-Cina me
doesn't even know what the bloody hell a Fasal is!!!
How could she have possibly thought I was Bumi?!
I mean, come on lah. I've been confused for being a Korean before, a Japanese before, and even an angmor on some occassions. All equally as impossible but but but... a Bumi!?! Like, seriously!? AAARRGHH!! >(
maybe she/he forget to wear his glass that day n mistook u for bumi?
i went to maybank and stood there queueing up for 1hours until kena flu = =
you could be a very very hot sabahan (kadazan clan). nuff said
-jun.(yapthomas's friend)
Eh... East Msian bumis are HAWT k!
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