Monday, November 05, 2007


I don't know what to make of this conversation.


Colleague 1: Pam why you didn't wanna drink with me?

Pam Song: Just didn't want lah. Not like it makes a difference anyways. You were so drunk that night lah.

Colleague 1: Yeah, but I was sober!

Pam Song: *rolls eyes*

Colleague 2: *whispers* See, still drunk from that night.

Pam Song: Ya lah. Just because you didn't shimmy up to any girls like the others did doesn't mean you weren't drunk, okay.

Colleague 1: *blink blink*

Colleague 2: *looks at Colleague 1* Just ignore her. It's weird Penang feminist logic. Sometimes I dunno what she's talking about also. *turns to face Pam Song* Your Bukit Tambun going to be reclaimed by the sea already lah.

*scratches head*

Where's the logic in that?!


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