Wednesday, November 26, 2008

One One Down, Three Zeros To Go

DATE: 26 November 2008 | DAY: Wednesday | TIME: 3:55AM

ATTN: The Londoner

Gallantly will you show the world that you're a specially selected and well trained Art Director. Your heart and your soul will be the fuel to carry your body when your limbs are to weary. You will not falter. You will not lose focus. Not as long as there is hope in your mind and your heart still beats. You will never give in to the evil that is the ever-failing Adobe Illustrator. And you will fight the Auto-Restart Evil with your dying breath. You are a champion (when you have Oreos and Haw Flakes at your disposal)! HOO-WAH!


p/s: Speech plagiarised then edited from I Am A Champion! by Coach Flowers. Tee hee. (Hey, at least I'm honest. *shrugs*)


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