Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Birthday '08 - My First 'Cake' This Year

Birthday cakes used to be a big deal when I was growing up. In fact, I think that to my mom, it still is. (It's just one of those things that didn't quite die on her.) But to me... it's sort of lost its thrill. I mean, I like cakes and all. But I wouldn't grumble, gripe and mope if I didn't have one. Guess things change when we grow up, huh? Looking back, I think my personal record was four cakes during one of my birthdays, actually. Haha. Kegilaan kan? Tapi masa tu kira syok juga. Haha. =p

ANYHEW, enough with the
grandmother stories and long-drawn intros.
(Ugh, I'm such a long-winded storyteller!)

2 minutes past the stroke of midnight on my birthday (more or less lah), I heard my first to-Pam-Song birthday song of the year – sung solo summore. Haha. And I got my first birthday 'cake'. =)

Haha. I absolutely love, love, love rock-hard
Vanilla ice-cream from Häagen-Dazs. Yums!!!

Too bad I only had a quarter spoonful of it. -_-'

p/s: My birthday posts seem never-ending to me. Howww??? I write and write and write but I'm still nowhere close to completing all my birthday posts before Christmas comes along. RAWR!


bananababe said...

Woot!!Me got Baskin Robbins!!!Why same-same wan?haha

Pam Song said...

ATTN: bananababe
– Haha. Yeah! Coincidence!

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