Sunday, November 15, 2020

God Speaks

In the early days that we discovered this new mass, The Husband and I decided to embark on some couple scripture reading. Meaning, we both read the same books in the Bible – he suggested Psalms and Matthew – but not necessarily sit down and read it together at the same time. I agreed. I followed the plan as diligently as I could. If I missed a day, I made up for it the day after. I didn't plan the timing of it all, and I don't believe it's coincidence that this was tonight's chapter:

There is so much encouragement to be found in Psalm 16,
especially considering this is my last night at home, pre-surgery.

From His safety and refuge (i.e. a safe operation), to pleasant boundary lines (i.e. no spread of cancer beyond the DCIS), to not being abandoned in the realm of the dead (i.e. won't die on the operating table 😅), to no decay (i.e. the tissues and flaps will survive the op) – it all comforts me so.

Also, I somehow keep getting reminders to stay joyful as I journey along this narrow path. And I must admit, that as the days go by, it's getting easier and easier to smile and rejoice, in spite of all that is to come. 

Do I not fear the surgery? Sure I do. Do I not wonder if life will ever be the same again post-op? Of course! But I know that I have a good and faithful God whose plan for me is perfect. And though the journey is tough, He will never leave me nor forsake me. It is well. 


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