Saturday, November 07, 2020

Word In Season; Friend Indeed

Some people you don't know very long but end up bonding with very quickly. Sometimes it's because you're at the same stage of life, sometimes you're in similar situations, sometimes it's shared goals or interests... it can be anything and everything that sparks an instant friendship.

Have you had friends like that?

Like connection online and
channel just very flow liddat. ⚡️🔥

I find my friendship with Josephine somewhat like that. Even until now, I've only met her face to face like... I dunno, a dozen times max? But even then, conversation is easy and the friendship is relaxed. We're nowhere close in age – as she would like me to remember 😒 – but some days, it feels like I inherited a younger sister. (She knew my dad first.)

Before dinner together last night,
Dee pulled out a little purple pack
from his pocket and passed it to me.

Comforting words from Do It Again by Elevation Worship.
I recognise these stickers from Prince of Pins.


Karangan panjang lebar (P&C) 🤓
+ a beautiful pin from Prince of Pins. 😍 

"God is within her, she will not fall.
God will help her at break of day."
– Psalm 46:5 (NIV)


Thank God for good friends,
long messages and pretty pins. 🥰


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