Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Love Letter From JJ 💌

JJ isn't really the verbally expressive kind when it comes to saying lovey-dovey stuff. He doesn't say "I love you" much – not even to me – and usually doesn't respond in kind when being told so by The Husband. 9 out of 10 times, the man's I-love-yous are met with silence from JJ. Haha. 😅 #sadcase

BUT... JJ does seem to enjoy sending written notes. 💌 He's given me many drawings, messages and texts over the years. They're usually pretty sweet, quirky and cute. He's got a good knack for colour-mixing and draws well. He also has very legible handwriting and is able to spell most easy words on his own. Those he cannot, he manages to wing it phonetically. Haha. #justpakaihentamonly

This was today's love letter...

Awww. 😍🥰

I know he'll grow up someday and when that time comes, it won't be cool writing Mommy love letters anymore. Some other lucky lady will probably be on the receiving end of these love notes, too. But I'm glad today is not that day. So I'll enjoy this moment. Because today, the son I love, loves me. My heart is full. ❤️ 


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