Friday, November 19, 2010

Pet Peeves: Behind The Wheel

1. Drivers who turn without signalling.

2. Drivers who rudely cut into my lane after turning out from a junction in a hurry, then proceed to go super slowly as if to make up for their earlier burst of speed. Kanasai. Should have just let me go first, right?? >(

3. Motorcyclists who don't keep to their space on the road. For those who never passed their undang, that's. on. the. far furthest. left. btw. Grrr...

4. People who drive like their grandfathers own half the road. Or all of it. -_-'''

5. Incessant or unnecessary honking. (I like *cough* flashers *cough* better.)

6. Inconsiderate drivers who c-r-a-w-l while driving on the fast lane. Hello, it's called the FAST lane for a reason!

7. Idiots who hog the fast and slow lanes by slow-coaching right down the middle.

8. Space invaders who can't park for nuts.

9. People who take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to vacate a parking lot they're ready to leave.

10. People who walk to their cars, don't intend to vacate the space, but don't have the courtesy to wave you off even when they notice you waiting.

I think I shall expand this list.


zecount said...

one more ... busybody drivers who SLOW DOWN to STARE at an accident or even worse check PLATE NUMBER ! Hello if you're not there to help please move FASTER !! the accident is already causing a jam no need for you to contribute to it already1

Pam Song said...

ATTN: zecount
– Hahaha. You're right! Kaypochees!

pinksterz said...

for #5: you should come to cairo, egypt.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: pinksterz
– You mean everybody does that there?? Tsk tsk. How unsettling!

Jeffro said...

Check, check, check, check and check.. 5 checks only? Yeah cause each check is for 2 points stated there =P

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