Wednesday, January 01, 2020

TOP 2019 Watchnite Service Testimony Mini Series – Part 1: God's Timing

NOTE: This testimony is the first of 6 instalments.

When we stepped into 2019, my family and I were prepared for a busy and challenging year ahead. Moving towns, moving homes, changing schools... new friends, new home, “new” church... there was so much adjusting to do. Little did we know, all that... was the easy part. We found out I had cancer in August. After that, our crazy year got infinitely crazier.

The second half of 2019 turned out to be exceptionally rough for me and my family. But in spite of the trials, tribulations and difficulties we faced, we see God’s hand guiding us and comforting us every step of the way. Here are just a few ways God has shown himself so real to us as we battle cancer.


After years and years and years of talking about relocating back to Penang – and honestly, trying our best to do so and failing many times – we finally made the move this year. The ability to move back was a miracle in itself.

We found out about the kids' new school by fluke, and in one visit, we were given a guided tour of the grounds, the boys got assessed and were immediately offered places, we paid the registration and deposit, and... overnight, our kids became Penang school enrolees. So, schooling – kautim. 🏫

We also super-last-minute decided to go look at homes the day after because... well, the agent called, and we suddenly had time to spare since we didn't have any reason to survey schools anymore. Haha. So ma go look-see-look-see lor. No expectations whatsoever.

Truth be told, it wasn't our first rodeo around Penang properties. But we somehow never checked out any units at this place he had keys to that day. To our surprise, we took one look at the place, fell in love with it, made an offer that was accepted, and that was that. House – also sorted. 🏡

In a nutshell, everything just fell into place (Psalm 16:6) that one visit back last year, which resulted in us moving back this year. It was truly a miracle how the two concerns we just couldn't address the many, many, many years before were suddenly and effortlessly solved in just two days. ✌️ And just like that, we were coming home!

And a week after moving back,
we discovered the cancer. 

Thing is… if we hadn’t moved back, there is no way we could have gone through treatment this August to December without the kids being affected because we had no helper and no family support in KL. #flyingsolo #ittakesavillagetoraiseachild

Back here, we are blessed to have a helper to handle the home, grandparents to help babysit the children, and Mama to manage our meals for us during this time while I'm out of action. So what I’ve learned from our miraculous move back is this:

God’s timing is always perfect.
He’s never early, never late.


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