Monday, October 14, 2019

The Last Of The Good Days

I’m desperately trying to get better quick from the flu I picked up last week so that my blood test tomorrow gets an A+ from my onco, resulting in me getting the go-ahead to proceed with chemo. (What a mouthful of a sentence!)

That means lots of rest, lots of water, and lots of YLEO oiling all day yesterday and today. Overall, the rest has been good but I must admit, I feel like I’m just “wasting” away my “good days” by staying at home and lying in bed doing nothing fun and/or productive. šŸ˜•

Also, I’ve been getting subtle waves of emotional lows on and off throughout the day at the thought of this being my last good day in at least a week from tomorrow. Like, already?!? Has 3 weeks gone by ALREADY??? No way!! Where did all the good days go?? And then I remember:

 Oh yeah, I squandered them away
by getting the flu. Bah! šŸ˜’


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