Growing up, we used to make origami lotus, balls, boats, hats and fishes in early to mid primary school. Dunno how to make? Just skip only – nobody there to teach and no YouTube videos to watch so just turn the page and get back to it when you're older/smarter/cleverer.
It's only when you hit the double digits do you advance into cranes, frogs and dollar-bill hearts. If still loser, wait till you're in secondary school. Then maybe you'll be able to brain it by then. If still cannot, just give up la. It's ok. Ahh, I miss the simplicity of those days.
Times have changed, though.
2019 origami is a different ballgame.
At first I thought... how hard can it be la??? Just figure it out! Think! Follow the numbers! Follow the lines! Just do it! On your own! You shouldn't need my help! The pack doesn't have an age indication but it can't possibly be made for 12-year-olds, right?? You! Can! Do! It!
But, no. Turns out, even 35yo aunty 🙋♀️
have to process long long baru understand. 😅
Each dino uses two sheets of paper. And the paper got printing wan. And lines. And numbers. Not just blank sheets of coloured paper. But those lines and numbers aren't there to "help" per se, cos without them, it really isn't possible to make what you're intended to make. They're VITAL to the whole construction!
And it doesn't help that we didn't notice an instruction sheet before we started. 😂 It was only after numerous failed attempts at making the T-Rex that I went mental on the pack and subsequently found a thin sheet of white paper that contained building instructions. LOL. #fail
So since put in the effort already must show off.
Meet my T-Rex and my Pteranodon.
Origami these days many complicates.
Many tireds now. Bye.
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