Thursday, May 16, 2019

What Makes A Child's "Best Day"?

Last Saturday, JJ and I spent the most part of the morning together while JZ and The Husband continued sleeping. We woke up super early (actually HE woke up early and forced me to wake up, too 😒) and he presented me with a special request to make pancakes together. "I will help you, Mommy!" he said, and ran off to get a stool.

And so I made pancakes with my little helper.
Then we both sat down and had a little
pancake breakfast bonding.

Look at that smile! 😁 Bright as the sun. 🌞

He exclaimed, "This is the best day of my life!" as he wolfed down the pancakes. And it a-l-m-o-s-t made me feel like waking up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday was worth it. Almost. HAHAHAHA. #Ineedmysleep

Thing is... today, I was reminded just how important making memories with our children is. See, I had forgotten all about his comment about this being "the best day of his life". And it was only during a conversation with Mee that I was reminded of it. She mentioned him saying it and I went, "Huh?? When?" 

5 days later and I had forgotten all about it. 😔 

You see, to me, that morning was just about putting breakfast on the table and getting JJ fed with as little fuss as possible. Sure, I snapped a pic to remember the moment. But that was because I liked just how happy he looked and wanted to save that smile forever. It was about him. His breakfast, his smile, his happiness.

But I guess that I forgot that I contributed to that happiness! Precious time spent making memories with Mommy. Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life and motherhood, I need to remember that the simple, little, everyday things we do with our kids matter, too. And I should do my best to let them have their "best day" every day. ❤️ #learningtobeabettermomeveryday


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