Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mother's Day Musings

It's Mother's Day weekend and I'm feeling extra "motherly" and "homely" because we're currently doing life without a helper at home and have been for a little while now. 💪👌👍

The kids have had their breakfast – JJ woke first and had Ningxia Red, mango yoghurt and pancakes with honey; JZ woke later and had Ningxia Red, aloe vera yoghurt and peanut butter in wholemeal bread. JJ then did some window art, which we've left out to dry. And they're all squeaky clean now after their morning shower. The Husband, on the other hand, has left for his daily fix of favourite Pork Noodles, and I'm officially giving myself a guilt-free break while the kids watch some morning TV. It's been a good morning.

I sit myself down on my unmade bed and start scrolling through Facebook and I notice that I have an increasing number of friends in their 30s who've got feeds filled with never-ending travel updates. One place after another; one check-in at a time. And while I enjoy living vicariously through their holiday photos and travel tales, I can't help but think:


It must be nice being 30-something
and not have dependents to think of
and/or school and tuition to pay for. 

I mean, seriously. If you're hovering around your mid-thirties, you're probably already earning wages that match the expertise and experience of someone working in upper management (or you're at least getting there anyway). That's a pretty fat pay-check in the bank each month if you're keeping it all to yourself! 🤑

Let's be realistic. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't think twice and would travel loads, too! To not have to worry about coinciding vacations with school holidays, with the wonderful knowledge that money isn't scarce. That's the magic combo of Time and Money – both, on your side. You're living the dream, my friends!

But then I hear Disney Channel
and kids' laughter in the background
and I remember...

Pic taken one lazy Sunday morning on February 2019.

... I'm living the dream, too. 🙋🏻👩‍👦‍👦☺️


Have a Blessed Mother's Day, Mommies. ❤️

Pam Song


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