Saturday, September 26, 2020

Things That Matter More

If I were to hold up a piece of paper that had a single dot on it and asked you what you saw, you'd probably say – a dot. Why? Because our perspective is usually skewed towards noticing the bad and not the good. The blemish, stain and speck on the otherwise flawless environment it rests on. Because it's easier zooming in on a single, teeny-tiny, dark spot on a white piece of paper, instead of focusing on that entire white paper itself. Easier to bemoan the cloud than to appreciate the silver lining. Abhor a pimple than admire a pretty face.

Now, here's the reason to that analogy...

We've pretty much given up on live-in helpers. We've had them on and off ever since JZ came along but after a few crazies and a handful of bad apples, we've decided that enough is enough. 🙅‍♀️ Enough agency fees spent; enough frustrations endured. The kids are older... I was just two shots shy of being done with Herceptin (at the time)... It was time to go it alone. We were ready. All the best, good riddance, bye-bye. 👋

Well, I'm happy to say that in the past 2 months since we started playing house, our home is majorly neater but marginally dustier, the kids are doing more and grumbling less, I'm happy to not have to deal with any drama while The Husband is happy to not have to spend RM1960 a month, and I'm usually so tired by the end of the day that I sleep better now than ever before. LOL. All in all, it's been good. Really good. This step towards independence has worked out quite well for us, if you ask me.

But of course, there are days when things just. don't. work. out. the way they should. Those one-off black-dot kind of days when there's just too much laundry to be done, too many toys on the floor and too little time to do it all. On days such as those, I tend to internally groan and grouch the situation that has befallen me. BUT... there's always one thing that never fails to return a smile to my face:

When I see my boys quietly enjoying
each others' company and entertaining themselves
(as they steer clear of their monster mom).

My house may be messy, but my heart is full. ❤️ 
And if you ask me, I think the latter matters more.


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