Friday, September 01, 2017

Say Wha-?!

JZ is a real sticky barnacle when it comes to bedtime. So sticky like you wouldn't believe! He like snuggling and cuddling and hugging. A lot. Like, A LOT. A lot, a lot, a lot. Super a lot. 😅

Tonight was no different. He started climbing all over me at bedtime and trying to lie down on top of me. I, of course, pushed him off repeatedly. No more! Big boy already! Sleep on your own! And then this happened...

JZ: I want to sleep on you. 

Pam Song: No. 

JZ: Yessss... 

Pam Song: No! You're so heavy! 

JZ: Noooo... I want to sleep on you. 

Pam Song: NO. 

This goes on for quite a bit and I
continue to ignore him. Then suddenly...

JZ: Ok, I give you one dollar. 

Pam Song: 😳😳😳


Ok, I wasn't expecting that. Hahaha. I can't believe that 4y9m1w old son is trying to bribe me! LOL. What is the world coming to?? #kidsthesedays man... BUT! I gotta give him points for the idea la. #whateverworks right? Haha. Nice try, Son. But NO. Bribery doesn't work with me. Try flattery next time. HAHA! 😝


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