Sunday, September 27, 2020

Trying Out A New Parenting Hack

One that allows me to do what needs to be done without having waste a lot of time just waiting around doing nothing before I can continue doing something. It's all about efficiency, bruh! 

You see, JJ was taking FOREVER to finish his dinner tonight. And after a long day of cleaning house and doing whatever it is mothers do, ain't no mom wants to spend forever sitting around waiting for some chewing to be done. 

JJ with his mouth full.

I was tired, cranky, and starting to get impatient. I just wanted to go home, take a nice, hot shower and watch me some The Big Bang Theory in front of the telly! So, I did what I had to do – get creative.


Desperate times; desperate measures.
#letsgetcreative #thinkingoutofthebox #nolimits

Only 5 spoonfuls left to tackle. 🖐 Totally manageable. Much less overwhelming than a messy plate full of food, right?? Sometimes you gotta #breakitdown to bite-sized portions for your audience, you know. Literally, in this case. LOL. Big bonus is that we got to countdown to the last spoon, too, which turned out to be a pretty fun way to bring dinner to a close.

Ah, the ideas mothers (have to) come up with
when kids take forever to finish dinner. 🙄 


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