Friday, October 21, 2011

Yesterday's Office Mishap

The downpour was so heavy yesterday afternoon that the ceiling boards at our office's front porch just gave up on staying up and came crashing down.

 Wet cars under the porch.

It made a big wet mess all over the floor
and very nearly missed trashing our cars. 

The ceiling boards lying in a heap
between my car and Miss Kana Kiu's car.

Phew! Would you look at that! Missed that one very nicely, didn't it? Thank goodness. Cos I'd totally take a wet car over a trashed one any rainy day of the week. But that's yesterday's bad weather story. Today? Well, big surprise – it's raining. Again. In fact, it's been raining all afternoon.

Under the porch, I mean. -_-'''


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