Saturday, December 28, 2019

Random Finds Along King Street & Church Street

Public payphone with coin AND prepaid card slot.

Spotted this while walking back to the car after our Tong Christmas cum Birthday Lunch @ Reve and just HAD to take a picture. My kids have never seen a payphone before! Sure, it's missing the most important thing that would indicate that it's a phone in the first place but... hey, that's what Mommy is for. 

Ring ring! 📞

This foreboding staircase sat right opposite the payphone.

And diagonally across the street...

Melsong and I being touristy.

Although I'm a Penang Lang, I've never taken a picture with any of these decals before. They were only erected in recent years, after all. (I is old.) You know what... After I'm done with treatment, Imma take the kids on a stroll along the Penang Heritage Trail. How can Penangite no see and no know Penang, right??


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