Sunday, June 02, 2019

Tangerine Vs. Tambourine

JJ is surprisingly perceptive when it comes to books and stories. He may not be able to read all the words just yet, but he is able to logically make sense of the story based on the illustrations presented to accurately answer questions and predict scenarios.

While reading Oliver’s Fruit Salad by Vivian French that he borrowed from class over breakfast this morning, he pointed to the jar of jam the main character was holding and said...

JJ: The blue one is blueberry jam. 

Pam Song: Oh! And the red one is...? 

JJ: Strawberry jam. 

Pam Song: And the orange one? 

JJ: Orange... jam? 

Pam Song: Probably not. It’s probably tangerine jam. 

JJ: Can you buy tambourine jam?


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