Friday, January 19, 2018

These Brothers Know Each Other (Too) Well

JJ comes along with The Husband and I to pick JZ up from school at 1.45pm. On the way to JZ's class, we pick up a chocolate roll from the school deli – one for each of them. Because like, which kid doesn't like a chocolate roll for no reason at all, right? Haha. Then, when we meet up with JZ, this conversation ensues:

JJ: *excitedly* Koko, I chose the chocolate roll for you.

JZ: *skeptical* Mama, did he?

Pam: Yeah!

The Husband: See, Didi knows what you like. Do you know what Didi likes?

JZ: *with no hesitation whatsoever* Of course. Didi likes to hit me.


Well, can't say he's wrong cos... true also. Hahaha.


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