Monday, November 18, 2019

Dumplings Vs. Dimples

JJ is highly motivated by stickers. Like, he super LOOOOVES stickers. He would do his homework, eat faster and sleep earlier just for stickers. Hahaha. #whenyoure5

He earned a sheet of reward stickers from me over the weekend for doing his homework and has been using it sparingly since then. One here, one there – very precious. Today, he picked a big one and showed it to me while we were in the car. 

After that, this conversation ensued...

JJ: Mommy, why does he have that pink dot on his face? *points to a rosy cheek* What’s that on the face?

Pam Song: Rosy cheeks. Like your face when you're hot.

JJ: Is it the same as the one that’s on your face also? Dumplings?

Pam Song: 😳 Urm... no. 😂 Those are DIMPLES!!! 😅

Monday, November 11, 2019

I Wish That...

1. Chemo didn't take quite so many moons to complete and that I was already done with treatment by now.

2. My cancer wasn't HER2+ so we didn't have to spend so much money and we would be done with treatment by Christmas instead of having it drag on till the 3rd quarter of 2020.

3. Renovating a home didn't take so long and wasn't this messy.

4. There were creative classes I could take here in Penang. Like calligraphy or oil painting or flower arrangement – something fun for me to indulge my creative side a little.

5. I had one of those vacuum mouths all those mukbangers seem to have. SLUUURRPPP!