Monday, May 20, 2024

Happiness Or Happy-less?

"Happiness is a choice."

Or so they say. 

But is this true? Is happiness really a choice? 
Or does someone else choose if you have it?

The reality is, that happiness often lies beyond our control, influenced more by the circumstances we find ourselves in, rather than by choice. I do not choose to be unhappy. But I find myself grappling with unhappiness, nonetheless. 😔

So, while we can make choices that may lead to moments of joy or contentment, asserting that happiness is purely a choice overlooks the myriad of uncontrollable external elements that shape our lives and affect our emotional landscape. 

In the end, perhaps it is not about choosing happiness, but about navigating the complexities of choice and circumstance with grace and resilience. And hopefully, somewhere along the way, there'll be happiness.

Friday, March 15, 2024

The New Reality

Loved < Lost 
Joy < Sadness 
Security < Fear
Confidence < Insecurity
Appreciated < Abandoned 

Thursday, February 29, 2024


D-End. ⚰️⚱️☠️

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Problem With Moving

Saw this on IG today and it just summed up how I felt
when I was in the thick of planning my move back to Penang. 

No, I never lived abroad. Never had the chance. I studied, began my career and started my family in my homeland 🇲🇾, except I was a 3.5-hour drive away from the city in which I was born. 

Moving to KL at 17, I didn't think anything would change. I didn't feel the difference nor expect the divide when I left. I didn't foresee any detachment. I mean, I was born and bred in Penang! NRIC 07! I would always be a Penangite! And a proud one at that! 🫡

But still, it happened. This happened. 👆

It was only when I was preparing for my move back to my hometown a good 18 years later when I was in my mid-thirties, that the distinction between the me then and the me now became obvious. I realised that I didn't know how to move back home,... because home didn't feel like home anymore. 🫤

I left a carefree teenage student at the cusp of life.

I returned, a wife and a mother, and later a survivor, 
with a business to run and a home and family to care for. 

I can't explain it any other way. It really, really felt like time stood still the whole time I was away, and I had outgrown this life that once was mine. To be honest, Penang was almost unrecognisable. I couldn't get to where I wanted to go without Waze. (I learned to drive in KL. 😅) And even old friends had turned into familiar strangers almost two decades later. 

Still, I had to try.

Refamiliarising myself with my little island took a while. In fact, it took longer than expected, no thanks to Covid and the lockdown. And although I still miss my life and friends in KL so many, many muchness, 4.5 years later, I can finally say that I'm starting to grow accustomed to life back in Penang. 🏝️

I've kinda settled on my favourite hawkers, haunts, and hangouts; places where the aunties, uncles, and service staff know me, my name and my order well enough for me to sit down and just have the food arrive. (Every day go same place, eat same-same. 😆) I've rekindled old friendships and made new ones. But yes, I still use Waze everywhere I go; at least now it's mainly to avoid traffic. (Penang also always jam.)

Is this home? Well, my house here feels like home. 🏡 But beyond these four walls, I still have a ways to go before I can honestly say that Penang is, without a doubt, where I feel most at home at as opposed to anywhere else in the world. In the mean time, I guess this is my truth:

Penang is my base, KL is my escape and Family is my home.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Word "Piano"

JJ has always had a way with words.

JJ: Do we have piano today? 

Pam Song: Yes

.JJ: WHATTTTT??? I hate piano!

Pam Song: You still have to go.

JJ: Why?? Even the word "piano" has NO in it! Pia-NO!

Pam Song: 😅😂🤣 Hahahahaha... Good one. Let's go.

JJ: NooOoOoOOoooOOoo!

LOL. This boy cracks me up!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Pink-Themed Christmas Tree & Year-End Wishes

Bought my family Christmas tree along with all its bells and whistles a long time ago during the Christmas of 2012 and it has served me well all these years. Pretty. But also pretty boring after a decade and one. So, this is the very first time I'm switching things up and giving our family tree the chance to look pink and rosy. #myChristmaswishthisyear #girlydreamcometrue #pinkfever

It's not what you'd typically find in a home with boys but, I mean... The person who dresses the tree gets to decide what it looks like, right?? 🤣🙆‍♀️ Anyway, I've always thought of doing this – switch up one key colour every year – but I just never got around to doing it. I think it'd be a great idea in the long run to help us differentiate the years instead of just guesstimating our Christmases with the kids' increasing heights. 😂😅 

Christmas 2024 with my updated Christmas tree, Version 2.0. 🎄 

Anyhoo... Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, 
and Happy One-Week-In-Between from
me and my little family to you and yours. 🥳

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Dealing With An Idiot

What does one do when one finds oneself trapped in the never-ending nightmare of dealing with a perpetual idiot who has made practising idiocy their life's calling? How many times is an idiot allowed to be idiotic before his/her idiocy becomes too much for one to bear? And what if, by some cosmic joke, one is tasked with the unenviable duty of managing a true master of idiocy? 

How to tahan dealing 
with an idiot day in and day out?? 
How to tahan, I ask you?!? 😤😡

The patience of a saint, the diplomacy of a seasoned diplomat, and a sense of humour that borders on the absurd – three things that are required for one to successfully deal with those who have made idiocy their life's calling; all of which, I do not have. 😕 So, I shall blog this rant, take a deep breath, steel myself for the idiocy ahead, and remember, this day shall end, sleep shall come, and when I awaken, His mercies are new every morning. 😮‍💨🌈☀️

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Year 5 Done And Dusted!

Thursday, 6 July 2023 – what a day!

The boys' school was celebrating its Year-6 Graduation & Speech Day today and someway, somehow, my Year-5-er managed to make me exceptionally proud. 

Although he is in Year 5, we were notified beforehand that he was going to receive a Math award at the Year 6 Graduation and were invited to show up. 

Caden after receiving the Mathematics Award.

However, to our surprise, Caden was honoured with not one,
but two 🏆🏆 (!!) awards this school year! 😱 

He received the ✨Mathematics Class Award✨ for demonstrating diligence and passion for learning in all aspects of Math 🔢, as well as the ✨PE Spirit Award✨ that is awarded to a student whose attitude and enthusiasm for PE and sports had made them a role model to others. 🥰 

Caden who was somewhat in shock at receiving the PE Spirit Award. LOL.

I’m happy he won the Math Award cos, well, he’s always been really good with logic, space, mental calculation and just numbers in general so I'm glad his Mathematical prowess is being recognised and at least we now know that we not just syok sendiri bangga diri. The school actually agrees with us. 😂 

Having said that, as a mom, I’m extra proud of the PE Spirit Award he received because it tells me that this FOBISIA T-Ball Captain and School Council Member is growing up to be a good person, who’s a good role model to those around him. 


My dear firstborn – Caden, 

Guess today we learned that you’re not all brawn and no brains, and hey, you’re not all brains with two left feet, either! You’ve got the best of both worlds and Mommy is so proud of what you’ve achieved throughout the school year and of the person you are growing up to be. You did well and aced Year 5! 💪 

Your leadership, diligence and hard work has paid off for you this 2022/2023 and I couldn't be prouder and happier for you. 1 more year left in Primary. One last lap. Keep it up! Mommy is cheering you on! 🥳🎉 
Caden and his two certificates from the awards he received.

Hand Squeezes Always,