Thursday, June 02, 2011

Wealth – A Blessing Or A Curse?

Men always want more, far more than they need.
But is wealth the answer? Or is it greed?

The wealthy claim that they live good lives,
But the cost of that wealth is a terrible price.

For where wealth abounds, there life decays,
Made prisoners to money for all their days. 

Why want such a life? Please explain it to me.
For the wealthy live in cages and cannot roam free.

I thought Poor was bad, but Rich is far worse,
As wealth can be to its owner, a blessing or a curse. 

– Pam Song, 1 June 2011

In my opinion, true wealth should open doors, expand horizons, enhance experiences and allow its owner the opportunity to do what he cannot do otherwise. Not close doors, set boundaries and impose limits on his freedom to live as he so wishes, desires and pleases. And while the former makes being wealthy a wonderful blessing, the latter makes it a terrible curse. Cos seriously... What is the point of having everything and not being able to do anything??


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