Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How To Prepare Durian Rice

NOTE: If you don't even know how to open a durian, you should spend some time (only 2 minutes, I promise!!) reading this post first before you proceed. =)

1. Prepare all the stuff you will need before you sit down to eat: Rice, enough durians, a bowl to throw your durian seeds, some fine salt, some granulated sugar and some hot water.

2. Evenly sprinkle a bit of salt all over your rice.

3. Pour some hot water onto your rice and start mixing the salt in. It's better to spend a little more time mixing than too little time cos you wouldn't want to tuck in only discover clumps of salt in your rice. @_@

4. Grab a durian.

5. Get your sugar ready.

6. Toss the sugar over your durian. What you see in the picture is caster sugar. But I actually prefer using granulated sugar because the bigger pieces kind of retain their rough texture longer so you get a bit of bite in your spoonful of durian rice. =)

7. Rip off a slimy chunk of sugar-coated durian, mix it with some wet, salted rice, and pop that delicious spoonful unto your mouth.

Mmmm... heaven. =)

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