Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dream Big

Question is, how big is big
when you're dreaming?

As much as I'm an dreamer who secretly hopes for even my most impossible of dreams come true, I'm also very much a realist who believes that although bursts of idealistic thinking is healthy every once in awhile, it is rarely ever a guarantee of things to come.

You see, I'm the kind of girl who only
comments and commits to certainty.

For example, if I think I'm going to get an A for a paper but I already KNOW FOR SURE that I'm going to score a B with my eyes closed, I'll tell friends who ask, "Urm... I thiiink B can kuaaa." It's not that I don't believe in myself or my abilities. Quite the opposite, really. Cos on the inside, I know that that A I want is already a definite possibility. Difference is, until it's a GUARANTEE, I try to make sure that I never over-promise or under-deliver.

But I've recently been around friends who don't think the way I do. And not just in a small way. In a big way! Like, the biggest of ways! I mean, the dreams they share are sooo big that I start thinking, "Eh, hello. Don't be so ridiculous can ah?? Open your eyes and see (smell also can) the shit hole you're in. Use your brain and be realistic a bit lah!" I mean, of course I don't say that to their faces and kill their dreams. I just smile on the outside and quietly think all that on the inside. Cos to me, the dreams they have are just... impossible! -_-'''

Like saying (and actually believing!! @_@) that they're going to be a billionaire by a certain age, who owns half the world and is committed to giving billions away to charity/church/social organisations. To this, I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, right. We'll see." It's easy to just say it now while you don't actually have a car, a house, or any of those billions you so freely speak of giving away.

Or starting a fast food franchise that topples McDonald's. Or a carbonated drink that overthrows Coca-Cola's dominance in the soft drink arena. Or owning every single model of every type of car in the world. I mean... HELLO?? Sure, you got big dreams lah. But I look-see look-see, I'm sad to say that I personally think that that's what they'll permanently be in the real world – just dreams.

Sigh. I don't know lah.

Maybe I've just got too little faith
to accept such big-dream thinking.

But then again... in the defence of dreamers out there, I also admit that as long as those grand plans lie within the safe and sturdy realms of logic, they cannot be considered part of a dream. Because dreams don't always make sense. (Yes, Inception, you've taught me well. =p) And they shouldn't have to.

So, here's my conclusion:

Perhaps when it comes to dreams,
it's not entirely about logic.


Your plans and dreams for the future don't have to make sense all the time. They can be big. And grand. And even borderline ridiculous. But I personally believe that parts of it has to at least carry some elements of sensibility some of the time. To help make those dreams possible. Doable. Even remotely achievable.

you're just putting yourself
up for BIG disappointment.


jack said...

dream to fly..
some jump off cliff with home made wing span..
some work the math and vollaah plane..

dream big or small.. work on it.. put into action.. no one can foresee possibilities unless they've work it.. and from many dream that one has try.. one can learn & mature from their dreams..

dream + more dream = day dreamer
dream + work = dream come true

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jack
- I love this part so much!

"dream + more dream = day dreamer
dream + work = dream come true"

Jeffro said...

Well I gotta say, dreams are superset of possibilities. Doesn't matter how small or tiny the possibilities are (but there's bound to have some) the dreams will always be there, and some grows bigger.

"Difference is, until it's a GUARANTEE, I try to make sure that I never over-promise or under-deliver."
- I work in the same way too!

"But I've recently been around friends who don't think the way I do. And not just in a small way. In a big way!"
- Me too! Unfortunately your friends think big, mine thinks small. For e.g. They just want to finish their day to day job, receive steady income at end of each month, they wouldn't bother to rush out for opportunities, instead, they wait for opportunities to come to them.

But I like to dream big, even though knowing I'll be up for Bigger disappointment. As much as I dislike being disappointed, I hate even more if I didn't put hope or believe in it well enough before starting it. For me, if I reach a point of disappointment, that only means I've done my best, and that's just my limit. I learnt a lesson, and shall work off my weaknesses in another dream =D

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