Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Classical Conditioning

Was talking to Duh Roads on the way back from lunch and somehow, the topic of conversation landed on OTJ-ish territory. Uh oh. I think she released the devil in me cos... I started going at it OTJ style. Except that it was OTB – Operasi Train Betina – this time. Haha. Told her what I thought about men and their habits, then shared with her my belief that not all things are set in stone. Especially the bad ones.

Some things are just a matter
of Classical Conditioning.

If a man was raised with the idea that it's ok to leave pee stains on a toilet seat cover, you need to TELL HIM that it's NOT ok to do so. If he thinks that having garlic before kisses is ok and you're NOT ok with that, you need to TELL HIM. If Man thinks it's ok to get friendly with Colleague and you're NOT ok with that, you've got to TELL HIM. If he thinks that prioritising the ASTRO remote control above you is ok and you're NOT cool with that, just TELL HIM.

...or he'll never know how you feel about the things
he does that you can't and won't live with.

And if he doesn't know, he'll never learn.
If he doesn't learn, he'll never change.
If he doesn't change, you'll never be happy.

(Wah, slippery slope kau kau wei. Haha.)

Sometimes, it's just about being open to expressing your likes and dislikes. You don't have to rant, rave, complain or throw a hissy fit. All you've got to do is be honest. Tackle the issue then solve the problem. (Never attack the person.) Approach it hate-the-sin-love-the-sinner style. A good man with good character and a healthy dose of self-esteem within will hear you out, digest what you have to say, and work at it together with you.

All you have to do is practice patience.
Understand that old habits die hard.
Change takes time. =)

You know, in hindsight, this kinda works for both, OTJ and OTB. Haha. Kill two birds with one stone. =p After all, we're all by-products of our environments, right? So don't go thinking I'm indulging in some mid-afternoon male-bashing here. I'm not. We, women, have lots we need to change about ourselves, too. You, men have just gotta be honest with us. And then proceed to practice patience while we work on improving ourselves based on your male insight. =)


If you can train a dog to salivate
at the ring of a bell...

...you can train a man.
– Pam Song, 27 October 2009


sy1n said...

Wow! A woman that actually speaks her mind rather than asking misleading questions?

I think I'm in love already! Haha....

Lissa said...

Sometimes it's easier said than done and you just gotta compromise. :P

Pam Song said...

ATTN: sy1n
– Hahaha. We need more such women around, right? Hahhaa. Feminism sial!

ATTN: Lissa
– Hahaha. I think it all depends on how well the man or the woman in question takes constructive criticism... and whether there's a willingness to improve and be better. =)

Lissa said...

True, but they can only chance to a certain degree. After that, it would feel like trying to be that person's idea of a perfect someone, rather than already being that perfect someone. *blinks* Errr... Do you get what I mean?

Lissa said...


>.< Silly typo.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Lissa
– Yeah. Not a total 180-degree change. I see it as improvements rather than changing of character. More like... sandpapering the edges rather than changing the whole block of wood, you know?

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