Wednesday, April 09, 2008

TALK! Or Not To Talk?

Was having a girlie chat with a colleague yesterday. (Yes, girls do it all the time. Deal with it.) This time, the topic of discussion was: Communication between people. Partners, especially. Life partners, specifically.

After a long debate that lasted the whole of 5 minutes (in spite of what you've been brought up to believe about women, we don't talk that much that long), we came to a single-minded conclusion. We both realised and agreed that if we didn't communicate with our loved ones throughout the day (or at least at every half-day mark), we ended up not telling our partners anything about our days.

Not that there's not thing worth telling or that we're hiding anything, okay. It's just that... we just end up not bothering cos the thought of 'going through' the whole day again is tiring in itself. After all, it's already been a long day at work. (And I'm already bringing work home half the time. -_-) So do we really need to bring the idea of work home, too? It gets tiring having to go through the bad stuff over and over again (self-bashing of sorts?) verbally, no?

And personally, I realise that I'm that way, too. Unless I share my joys and rants while I'm experiencing it and while I'm in the moment, I don't much bother revisiting those feelings I had once again. Takkan I leave it all behind already then I go back and dig up those stories again, right? It's like blogging. Saved drafts don't pack a punch for me cos by the time I plan to finish writing my post, I'm already itching to start another. And it doesn't help that I'm no longer in the mood or caught up in the moment.

Plus, when you really think about it, unless you're still seething inside, you've already pretty much dealt with everything you need to deal with and gotten over everything you need to get over. Right? All emotions, good and bad, have already been released.

But that's not the best of things.

My reason for saying so being the fact that we've already gotten over things by ourselves and/or with the help and support of those around us. Meaning, WITHOUT the help of our partners. Tell me now... How is this a good thing?

Your partner should be your greatest support. The one you most want to turn to in times of need and trouble. The one you most excitedly want to share your joys and happiness with. But being in different locations, working in different companies and not being by each other 24/7 doesn't help built healthy communication between partners/spouses.

But then again, when you think about it and assess what I've said earlier from a different point of view altogether, it makes perfect sense to work in different companies and not be with one another 24/7. You get more time to yourselves, you have time to build and invest in healthy friendships with the people around you, and you get to focus on the less lovey-dovey, mushy-smushy parts of your life (like ministry, work or studies). Plus, you'll have more stories to tell one another when you do meet or talk!

Wait a minute. So what now???

One minute, the proximity and closeness
is good; and another minute, it's bad.

So here's the secret: Don't work in the same company. Don't stick like glue to one another. Give each other room to breathe. Room to grow. But keep in touch or beware for one may end up growing faster than the other. Space in a relationship is good. Healthy, even! As is constant communication.

But the clause is this...

Both space and constant communication have to compliment each other, and they there's a need for them to be injected into the relationship in moderation. In short, too much space is bad, but too much constant communication is just as bad.

So how? So, don't stick to one another. But keep in touch and update each other every once in awhile. It's healthier for your relationship. =)

There you have it.
Pam Song the great psychologist has spoken.
And she says, "Peace out. Goodnight."

p/s: It's been a long while since I've had the chance to post my thoughts. Thoughts that aren't sparked off by fiery rants or haywire emotions. Haha. I should so do this more often.


Chee Ching said...

Woah, long and meaningful post!
I must admit, I skipped some parts!


luxen said...

I stopped reading after the 5 paragraph, so late at nite, brain not working. Plus I'm listening to some slow Jazz. Julie London is singing me to sleep.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: chingy & luxen
– A-hah! With this trial, I can safely say that my readers enjoy light meals. Nobody's into the 8-course Chinese dinner.

ATTN: luxen
– You left after the shark's fin. =p

Julie London? Is she good? I don't have her. What's the name of her album?

David Cheong said...

LOL I read a bit then skipped :p haha

luxen said...

Julie London sang the song Cry Me a River in V for Vendetta. It was the slow song playing on the jukebox.

sheon said...

damnit!!! i wrote a bloody long comment and it got lost coz page error!!! gggggrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

i shall not type it the summary is that i agree with you.

and life is better when we get to steer our career direction between 9-5, and after 5 we steer ourselves back to the arms of our loved ones.


yapthomas said...

"Space in a relationship is good. Healthy, even! As is constant communication."

Different couple works in every other way but to quote your words above, it is basically true and I would say, sometimes a casual relationship works the best as being to close to one another might and will jeopardize your state of mind if, after all things don't go the way you want it.

~YM~ said...

Ah..long time never read such a meaningful post. I understand really well what u meant, since I'm in it as well. X'P

Perhaps it's just like the old saying of flying a kite, too tight and the string would break, and too loose it may fly away. The right balance, is easy to say but hard to find. Hmmphh...

Nice to see such a post here after some time. Getting a bit muak of bimboness ady..haha..

Pam Song said...

ATTN: David Cheong
– Ish! Terrible lah all of you!

ATTN: luxen
– Wooo. I want! I go download or something. =p

ATTN: sheon
– Hahahaha. Just type again lah. I wanna see what you have to say. Not just the gist of it. =p

But it's true. I believe that after 5 is MY LIFE time. 9 - 5, whatever the company requires of me, I'm fine. I'll do it. But when company eats in to personal life hours, then a bit hard lor.

Then only got work-life balance ma. Unfortunately, advertising is no respecter of that. =(

ATTN: yapthomas
– I'm not saying that you should be in a casual, non-committed relationship. It's also unhealthy to be too close to the opposite sex with no definition to the relationship or friendship you share.

However, once you're IN a relationship, the rules apply. Where you still live separate lives but share your lives at the same time.

– Haha. Glad you could relate to what I said. I also a bit muak of bimboness. =p Unfortunately, as you can see from the first few comments I received, my readers like not too into deep deep stuff lor. Haha.

sheon said...

well, maybe the full comment was just about 3-5 words longer than the one i posted? hehehehhee

you believe in platonic friendship?

yapthomas said...

I'm talking about casual in a relationship not just mere close to one another without justifying what is the relation all about.

Maybe my term of casual is so much different from what would other people think.

joshuaongys said...

i very good, i read everything and i think about someone, my stupid friend who love girls so much that he... ahh i shall not talk bout him bah hahahha anyway thanks to Pam Song the great psychologist buahahhahahhahahhaha lolx

Pam Song said...

ATTN: sheon
– Haha. Potong lah you.

And yes, I believe in platonic friendships. But... those in platonic friendships also need to be considerate to their partners when they're in relationships. It can be unnerving.

ATTN: yapthomas
– Ahhh. Then I think it translates into being comfortable enough with each other. Correcto?

Pam Song said...

ATTN: joshuaongys
– Haha. Good boy, then. Haha.

The great psychologist had fun writing the post. She shall do it again someday.

Anonymous said...

Space to breath....that one I agree! I hate partner that calls in many times in a day to ask this: "Hey what are you up to hah?!" Nak pang-sai pun susah...=P

Some couples prefer to be sticky to one & another but some dont.... As long as both could keep the momentum and passion in the relationship, I think its OKlor!

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Ideally, the balance is good. BUT... I have to agree with you when it comes to 'some couples'. Everybody's different and everybody approaches their relationship differently. We all just have to find what works for us AND our partners. If all three components (you, your partner and your relationship style) match, then everything can work out well.

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